Frequently Asked Questions
What makes your readings different?
I am not a so-called card reader. I am spiritually guided, and also a rootwork practitioner. First and foremost, I take spiritual baths before communing with my ancestors, spirit guides, my angels, and the divine energy of all. I do elemental magick (working with fire, water, earth, and air) with a petition burned with special herbs and incense regarding your request during your reading. I tell you what I see, no matter what, with care and compassion. I don't sugar-coat anything, and will not tell you what you want to hear; but what you need to hear. I spend quite a considerable amount of time meditating on each client while charting their Astrology and Numerology before the session. I not only tell you your potential outcome, and answers to your many questions, but also what you can do to change your situation. What good is a reading full of information, if you are left afterward to just deal with it? I give my clients options to make a shift in their reality. I am unique in my style, I have a diverse background in esoteric knowledge, and am gifted in getting to the root of your concern. I use tools to tap into the spiritual realm, such as, Tarot, Lenormand, Oracle cards, pendulums, kinesiology, crystals, and Obi Cowrie-style divination.
What can't you do in a reading? I will not give medical, legal, financial, or psychological advice. We can speak in general during your reading regarding your situation, after you have already been to a professional. If I discover during the reading that their seems to be a problem in those areas, I will advise you to seek professional help. I will also not tell someone when they, or someone in their life, will die. Even though, I have had several occasions when spirit shows me death or serious illness, I am very careful to just encourage that you immediately seek professional help.
Why should I get a reading? How will it benefit me?
Yearly Readings: Getting a full reading at the end of the year, beginning of the year, or around your birthday is very common because many people wish to know what to look out for, what to beware of, how to change their situation, and where their life is headed.
Readings throughout the year when you have a problem and need answers: A reading is to help you see what you have trouble seeing or refuse to see. It may reveal your secrets or secrets of others in your life. It may show you why you are where you are in life, and why you are in the current situation, and how to change it. Things that are hidden or unclear in your life will become known, and this in-turn will help you grow as a person.
Readings to make important decisions: Many people have come to a stand-still and need a new direction or are embarking on a new journey in life, and may need help choosing which path, which career, which location, which school, etc. A reading is very good in showing you the pros and cons of the choices you may have, and therefore, you will end up with more clarity regarding your situation and better able to make a wiser decision. I am not here to tell you what to do, but merely help you choose with more understanding.
Readings for relationship problems, and relationship compatibility analysis: Many people need help with deciding whether or not this person that has entered into their life will be good for them or how will it ultimately end up. I do an Astrology and Numerology chart on both individuals to see if you are potentially compatible, and then I consult with spirit during a divination to see if you're equally yoked and what to know about the person that they aren't telling you. I will see their agenda and their true intentions. This helps many clients of mine find the proper mate, and also avoid nightmare relationships.
Business Readings: I am very good with helping people pick the proper match when choosing a business partner. Many clients have questions regarding business that will help them grow and reach their goals. Getting a reading for this is also great when a person is just starting a business and needs help with which direction to take, or which industry to invest their time and energy into. Some need to know where they will have the most success in business, how to approach marketing their business, and help with building the confidence they need in their venture. I always advise that clients must do the mundane and necessary things, such as research and consulting with a professional in the area they are interested in. I can however, help with the spiritual aspects and getting more information, as to what shows in their reading regarding what they are destined for.
I had a reading and wanted to know if the outcome is set in stone?
All readings are done with a potential outcome, since we live with "free will." You are given the potential outcome, warnings, and advice. What you do with it will determine where or how you ultimately end up. Most times if things continue on the route they're currently on and you change nothing in your life, what showed as the outcome will probably be just that! If you follow the advise or use your own common sense to make changes in your life (such as: remove negative people out of your life, change bad behaviors, become more responsible, face your fears, confront the truth and the root of the matter, and forgive yourself and others), you may absolutely prevent or alter the potential outcome.
What should I do before starting any spell, rootwork, or conjure work?
The very first thing anyone should ever do before attempting to alter, draw, or repel anything, is to do a divination or get a reading to see if this is possible to get success with the work. You also need to know through a divination which methodology will work for you. No one spell will work with every person. Cookie-Cutter magick is the reason why many people give up and don't get the results they want. Once you have done that and know the proper steps to take, be sure to do a spiritual cleansing of your body and home via spiritual baths and smudging with the appropriate herbs, flowers, and roots. I sell anything you need here in my shop for those purposes.
How long does it take to see results when doing spiritual work?
*Successful rootwork typically shows signs within 3 days, 3 weeks, or 3 moons. Difficult situations may need to be repeated or divined for further remediation or a change in methodology; the rest is up to God and the universe.
I did a spell and nothing happened, why not?
There is always something happening, it just may not be what you wanted. First off, you may not have done things correctly or you may not have done the proper rootwork for your situation. 2nd, you may have been spiritually dirty, and should have done a cleansing to remove negativity, blockages, and possible vestigial ties to another person before starting your conjure work in the first place. 3rd, in some cases, a person has been hexed, cursed, or crossed-up either by another person or even by their own doing. 4th, the answer just might be NO! Either the spiritual realm has other plans for you and it's not needed for your journey, or it's just not the right time. If it's not the right time, you should try the work again after doing some road opening work and spiritual cleansing. Please be sure to wait at least 3 weeks - 3 moons, before doing the same work again, after performing a divination yourself or getting a reading from me to see if this is the route you should take and the proper methodology. If the answer is NO, Accept that and learn to move on.
Can I trust you with my personal information:
All clients/customers information and details exchanged before, during, and after any readings, consultations, or rootwork services are absolutely confidential, and will never be shared with anyone. Any photos I share in my gallery of examples of rootwork, will never show any personal information of any client. Any references of situations spoke of in my blog for educational purposes, will never expose any details of any clients, and will be generic in nature in any discussions. My ethics code in dealing with very sensitive matters have always been adhered to, and my clients have trusted me and have referred me to their family and friends because of that. Your secrets, become my secrets!
Can you guarantee your products or rootwork services?
Anyone worth their weight in salt, can NOT guarantee conjure, magick, juju, rootwork, Hoodoo, or other religious or spiritual practices. As does any other professional, such as lawyers, doctors, etc. They cannot and will not guarantee anything, except to try their damn best. My products are made authentically, and how you use them and your knowledge in the arts of conjure, along with what destiny has in store for you, will determine your results. I will assist you if needed, and educate you with my vast spiritual background and experience to the best of my abilities. Rootwork services will be done ethically and authentically, with care and compassion to your situation. Rootwork services is after all, prayer with work. Millions of religious folk around the world donate to their church and pay tithes consistently, and pray to a God that they've never seen, yet their faith keeps them deeply rooted in their religion even when their prayers aren't answered. So, the answer is No! Purchasing from Lady Mage Emporium implies that you agree to this and understand this fully. I guarantee that you will get the best products and services, and I will work my best magick.
What type of clients do you serve?
I have clients of all types, from the poor to the rich. The majority of clients seem to be women, however, I have many men these days, as well. My youngest client was 16 years old (with a parents consent), my oldest client so far has been 70 years old. I have served people from all over the world, all nationalities, genders, races, creed, and religious backgrounds (yes, I get Christians, Jews, and of course pagans). I deal with the uneducated and disadvantaged, however, the majority of my clients are very educated. I have several clients with high profile careers, a few government officials, and even a couple celebrities and socialites. All are welcome, as long as we have a connection and respect for each other. I also have many clients from the LGBTQ community, and since I have a gay daughter, I can relate to many of their concerns.
I am not a so-called card reader. I am spiritually guided, and also a rootwork practitioner. First and foremost, I take spiritual baths before communing with my ancestors, spirit guides, my angels, and the divine energy of all. I do elemental magick (working with fire, water, earth, and air) with a petition burned with special herbs and incense regarding your request during your reading. I tell you what I see, no matter what, with care and compassion. I don't sugar-coat anything, and will not tell you what you want to hear; but what you need to hear. I spend quite a considerable amount of time meditating on each client while charting their Astrology and Numerology before the session. I not only tell you your potential outcome, and answers to your many questions, but also what you can do to change your situation. What good is a reading full of information, if you are left afterward to just deal with it? I give my clients options to make a shift in their reality. I am unique in my style, I have a diverse background in esoteric knowledge, and am gifted in getting to the root of your concern. I use tools to tap into the spiritual realm, such as, Tarot, Lenormand, Oracle cards, pendulums, kinesiology, crystals, and Obi Cowrie-style divination.
What can't you do in a reading? I will not give medical, legal, financial, or psychological advice. We can speak in general during your reading regarding your situation, after you have already been to a professional. If I discover during the reading that their seems to be a problem in those areas, I will advise you to seek professional help. I will also not tell someone when they, or someone in their life, will die. Even though, I have had several occasions when spirit shows me death or serious illness, I am very careful to just encourage that you immediately seek professional help.
Why should I get a reading? How will it benefit me?
Yearly Readings: Getting a full reading at the end of the year, beginning of the year, or around your birthday is very common because many people wish to know what to look out for, what to beware of, how to change their situation, and where their life is headed.
Readings throughout the year when you have a problem and need answers: A reading is to help you see what you have trouble seeing or refuse to see. It may reveal your secrets or secrets of others in your life. It may show you why you are where you are in life, and why you are in the current situation, and how to change it. Things that are hidden or unclear in your life will become known, and this in-turn will help you grow as a person.
Readings to make important decisions: Many people have come to a stand-still and need a new direction or are embarking on a new journey in life, and may need help choosing which path, which career, which location, which school, etc. A reading is very good in showing you the pros and cons of the choices you may have, and therefore, you will end up with more clarity regarding your situation and better able to make a wiser decision. I am not here to tell you what to do, but merely help you choose with more understanding.
Readings for relationship problems, and relationship compatibility analysis: Many people need help with deciding whether or not this person that has entered into their life will be good for them or how will it ultimately end up. I do an Astrology and Numerology chart on both individuals to see if you are potentially compatible, and then I consult with spirit during a divination to see if you're equally yoked and what to know about the person that they aren't telling you. I will see their agenda and their true intentions. This helps many clients of mine find the proper mate, and also avoid nightmare relationships.
Business Readings: I am very good with helping people pick the proper match when choosing a business partner. Many clients have questions regarding business that will help them grow and reach their goals. Getting a reading for this is also great when a person is just starting a business and needs help with which direction to take, or which industry to invest their time and energy into. Some need to know where they will have the most success in business, how to approach marketing their business, and help with building the confidence they need in their venture. I always advise that clients must do the mundane and necessary things, such as research and consulting with a professional in the area they are interested in. I can however, help with the spiritual aspects and getting more information, as to what shows in their reading regarding what they are destined for.
I had a reading and wanted to know if the outcome is set in stone?
All readings are done with a potential outcome, since we live with "free will." You are given the potential outcome, warnings, and advice. What you do with it will determine where or how you ultimately end up. Most times if things continue on the route they're currently on and you change nothing in your life, what showed as the outcome will probably be just that! If you follow the advise or use your own common sense to make changes in your life (such as: remove negative people out of your life, change bad behaviors, become more responsible, face your fears, confront the truth and the root of the matter, and forgive yourself and others), you may absolutely prevent or alter the potential outcome.
What should I do before starting any spell, rootwork, or conjure work?
The very first thing anyone should ever do before attempting to alter, draw, or repel anything, is to do a divination or get a reading to see if this is possible to get success with the work. You also need to know through a divination which methodology will work for you. No one spell will work with every person. Cookie-Cutter magick is the reason why many people give up and don't get the results they want. Once you have done that and know the proper steps to take, be sure to do a spiritual cleansing of your body and home via spiritual baths and smudging with the appropriate herbs, flowers, and roots. I sell anything you need here in my shop for those purposes.
How long does it take to see results when doing spiritual work?
*Successful rootwork typically shows signs within 3 days, 3 weeks, or 3 moons. Difficult situations may need to be repeated or divined for further remediation or a change in methodology; the rest is up to God and the universe.
I did a spell and nothing happened, why not?
There is always something happening, it just may not be what you wanted. First off, you may not have done things correctly or you may not have done the proper rootwork for your situation. 2nd, you may have been spiritually dirty, and should have done a cleansing to remove negativity, blockages, and possible vestigial ties to another person before starting your conjure work in the first place. 3rd, in some cases, a person has been hexed, cursed, or crossed-up either by another person or even by their own doing. 4th, the answer just might be NO! Either the spiritual realm has other plans for you and it's not needed for your journey, or it's just not the right time. If it's not the right time, you should try the work again after doing some road opening work and spiritual cleansing. Please be sure to wait at least 3 weeks - 3 moons, before doing the same work again, after performing a divination yourself or getting a reading from me to see if this is the route you should take and the proper methodology. If the answer is NO, Accept that and learn to move on.
Can I trust you with my personal information:
All clients/customers information and details exchanged before, during, and after any readings, consultations, or rootwork services are absolutely confidential, and will never be shared with anyone. Any photos I share in my gallery of examples of rootwork, will never show any personal information of any client. Any references of situations spoke of in my blog for educational purposes, will never expose any details of any clients, and will be generic in nature in any discussions. My ethics code in dealing with very sensitive matters have always been adhered to, and my clients have trusted me and have referred me to their family and friends because of that. Your secrets, become my secrets!
Can you guarantee your products or rootwork services?
Anyone worth their weight in salt, can NOT guarantee conjure, magick, juju, rootwork, Hoodoo, or other religious or spiritual practices. As does any other professional, such as lawyers, doctors, etc. They cannot and will not guarantee anything, except to try their damn best. My products are made authentically, and how you use them and your knowledge in the arts of conjure, along with what destiny has in store for you, will determine your results. I will assist you if needed, and educate you with my vast spiritual background and experience to the best of my abilities. Rootwork services will be done ethically and authentically, with care and compassion to your situation. Rootwork services is after all, prayer with work. Millions of religious folk around the world donate to their church and pay tithes consistently, and pray to a God that they've never seen, yet their faith keeps them deeply rooted in their religion even when their prayers aren't answered. So, the answer is No! Purchasing from Lady Mage Emporium implies that you agree to this and understand this fully. I guarantee that you will get the best products and services, and I will work my best magick.
What type of clients do you serve?
I have clients of all types, from the poor to the rich. The majority of clients seem to be women, however, I have many men these days, as well. My youngest client was 16 years old (with a parents consent), my oldest client so far has been 70 years old. I have served people from all over the world, all nationalities, genders, races, creed, and religious backgrounds (yes, I get Christians, Jews, and of course pagans). I deal with the uneducated and disadvantaged, however, the majority of my clients are very educated. I have several clients with high profile careers, a few government officials, and even a couple celebrities and socialites. All are welcome, as long as we have a connection and respect for each other. I also have many clients from the LGBTQ community, and since I have a gay daughter, I can relate to many of their concerns.